Surviving the End, Epilogue: such beautiful apocalypses

I haven’t had time to read the yarns yet — and it would probably be gauche for me to comment on them, given I’m a contributor — but I have to say, Craig Bezant’s Dark Prints Press has done a beautiful job on Surviving the End: an anthology of post-apocalypse stories. Craig’s linked the yarns with his own narrative. It *feels* great and looks great. Aussie small press are certainly rising to the occasion. The anthology is now available in print and e-version — the Jonathan Maberry story is available only in the print edition. (An aside: Mr Maberry is joining Ramsey Campbell and Caitlín R. Kiernan as author guests at next year’s World Horror Convention in that heart of hearts, New Orleans… oooh.)

Here’s the contributor list:

‘Hiatus’ by Michael Bailey
‘The Long Ago’ by Amanda J Spedding
‘The Last Boat to Eden’ by Jason Nahrung
‘Harvest’ by Ashlee Scheuerman
‘Unwanted’ by Martin Livings
‘The Stuff of Stories’ by Kathryn Hore
‘The Failing Flesh’ by Joseph D’Lacey
‘The Wind Through the Fence’ by Jonathan Maberry (print edition only)
With narrative interludes by the ‘Story Keeper’, Craig Bezant

epilogue - tales of hope after the apocalypseNOT to be outdone is Epilogue, Fablecroft’s anthology of hopeful post-apocalyptic stories which arrived TODAY! Editor Tehani Wessely has presented such a pleasant tactile end to the world with its striking cover and intriguing binary code symbolism.

Its contents:

‘Sleeping Beauty’ by Thoraiya Dyer
‘Time and tide’ by Lyn Battersby
‘A Memory Trapped in Light’ by Joanne Anderton
‘Fireflies’ by Steve Cameron
‘The Fletcher Test’ by Dirk Flinthart
‘Ghosts’ by Stephanie Gunn
‘Sleepers’ by Kaia Landelius
‘Solitary’ by Dave Luckett
‘Cold Comfort’ by David McDonald
‘Mornington Ride’ by Jason Nahrung
‘Only the Books Survive’ by Tansy Rayner Roberts
‘The Last Good Town’ by Elizabeth Tan

Epilogue is being given away at Goodreads until 8 June.

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